Beddows and Aldred commit / by Bears Media

Beddows and Aldred Committ for 2017

The Bears pack grows as two more props commit for next season. Tom Tsang gives us he thoughts on the latest players to put pen to paper.

Alex Beddows

Alex is already one of the Bears’ greatest success stories – he joined us in 2014 from a local Rugby Union club and immediately showed huge potential with good basic skills and RL instincts. 2016 has been a breakout year for Alex – he has really taken on board all the things we have been throwing at him and following a huge game against Keighley at the Ricoh Arena, he has started the majority of games for us and not taken a backward step against some of the best props in the league. This increased playing time has accelerated his progress, but it is down to his own hard work and persistence that he is starting to see the improvements in his game. I am expecting another uptick in performance in 2017 when he has the chance to establish himself as one of the best young props in the league.

Alex said; It's great to be with the Bears again, the club has made massive strides this season, I can't wait to see what we can do in 2017.

John Aldred

I’m very happy to be able to reward John with a new contract for 2017. He has been involved with the club since before we joined League 1 and although he hasn’t had as many opportunities as other players, his attitude, professionalism and effort is without doubt one of the best in the club. His improvement as a front rower in the last two years is remarkable and he has shown glimpses of power and athleticism that prove his enormous potential. I expect John to carry on learning and improving and he should be regularly pushing for a spot in the game day 17.

John said; I have enjoyed this year immensely, the environment provided by the club has allowed me to flourish as a player since first getting involved from Coventry University. I am looking forward to pre-season already.

Player Sponsorship Available

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