Midlands Rugby League Junior Participation Festival Information Sunday 9th June
Nottingham Outlaws Rugby League Club, Lenton Lane, Nottingham NG7 2SA
Age Groups
A reminder that the festivals will be for players at U11 (school years 5 & 6) U13 (yrs 7 & 8) and U15 (yrs 9 & 10). There is no team selection as everyone will get to play.
All players parents are asked to please confirm to Coventry Bears coach Rich Squires that they will be attending.
Kit will be provided so please just come with appropriate boots and gum shields, water etc.
Rich Squires
Coventry Bears Coach (u11-u15s)
+44 7502 018813
Other details:
As Nottingham have one pitch, and numbers are likely to improve on the 75 at the last event, we've agreed the following timings with Nottingham:
U11 arrive 10 for 10:30 start 12 finish. Possibility of six teams so may need 3 pitches across the field, adjusting game time to make sure we finish on time.
U13 assuming round robin, 2 pitches, arrive 11:30 for 12 start. 1:15 finish
U15 not sure how many we'll get but assume 1 pitch, arrive 12:30 for 1:15 start, 2:30+ finish.